There are a few reasons why your participation may have been rejected. Researchers have the right to review your data first, and they will discard your data if it shows signs of inattention or a participation that did not go as intended.

This usually happens if:

1. You missed an attention check (simple question during the study that tests if you are reading the instructions carefully)

2. You’ve exceeded the allocated time. Each study has a maximum time window. It is generously allocated, but does not accommodate prolognued breaks. This is to ensure that the participation was completed within a single session.

3. You started the study twice or your refreshed the page. To avoid double-participations of any kind, only the very first attempt at a study will be counted. If you start the experiment a second time (no matter how) it will not produce a valid participation.

4. You gave monotonous or non-sensical answers. It’s important that your participation is not only complete, but looks like you’ve understood and respected the instructions throughout.

There can be other reasons as well, and the researcher will be happy to provide you with the reason. Please do not contact the researcher directly, as we are happy to mediate any disputes.

We hope this makes sense and also helps you prepare for your future participations.